Get  ready for a marriage adventure. Now you are probably wondering what’s a marriage adventure is. Well its not your ordinary marriage retreat. Its a day designed, to get you out of your comfort zone, outdoors, with your spouse, and to engage you in carefully crafted activities that will draw you closer to each other and to God.


Time away from “regular” life.

Over time the stresses of everyday life can drive us apart and put a strain on our relationship. We all need time alone, and the more you make it a habit, the less it will be weird when you do.

Learn from someone who’s been there.

On the 10th of August come learn from Emmanuel Gachanja and his wife Caroline who have been married 17years They will share their challenges, lessons learned and victories.

Meet with other couples striving for better marriages.

One of the greatest things is meeting other couples working to improve their marriages. Couples in the same season. Some in earlier or later seasons. It is always encouraging and refreshing.

Your marriage needs it more than you think.

Like us, you may realize your marriage isn’t perfect, but think it’s okay. But when you attend the marriage adventure, you will realize your marriage can be so much greater.

Because you love your spouse.

The ultimate reason is you love your spouse and are willing to do anything to show your love, grow closer, and have a better marriage.



We’d love to help you!

Marriage Mediation is a conflict resolution process for couples who are experiencing destructive conflicts but are committed to remaining married.