I am a huge DIY fan and like most of the world in this COVID-19 stay at home season, I have been busy with DIY home improvement and one of my projects was to sew new covers for our throw pillows. I sat down gathered them and started to take off the old covers, and I was so shocked to discover that each pillow had at least 4 old covers. Over the years when I felt the covers were either fashionably outdated or old I just l added a cover on top of the old one.(Not the smartest idea) It was so fascinating to see the interior design journey of our tiny home through the covers of throw pillows, we had the contemporary paris look, covered by the African fabric, covered by the plain kikoy fabric and lastly the printed canvas fabric.

We are all like like my old throw pillows.

We all have layers of ourselves that we get over and replace over time in response to situations, events and experiences in our lives. Each time we move on to a new layer in response to these stimuli we become a new version of ourselves ready to present and engage in the world in a different way. Just as I had hoped that with every new pillow cover the house will look different and represent a new idea, perspective and vision for my life. The pillow covers also represented the types of identity I picked along the way, as we came back in 2017 I was more into the contemporary life hence the Paris look, and as stayed on, my African identity proved too strong to be denied so I got a red and blue fabric and made all the pillow covers and and lampshades our of it. Then I couldn’t start the loudness of it all, and red is one of my least favorite colors I opted for plain Kikoy African fabric to make the house more subtle and then finally I just outgrew the whole African phase and got grey white and red (our couches had some red in them just in case you are wondering) and that was the last layer which I think has also lasted the longest, not out of choice but lack of time to redo them.

I really enjoyed reflecting on the different seasons in my life, the perspectives I held on to then and to see where I am now its just a way to remind me that we are all on personal journey to be  the best versions of us.

After all the covers were out there you could finally see what fills the pillows; fibre. It struck me as I asked myself what fills me? I may have all these covers but without the fibre there is no throw pillows, what has remained constant all these years is the fibre, never once did I touch it, or replace it or add on it.

It was a gentle reminder; the fibre of who I am needs to be and remain always God. The fact is that God created us for a relationship with himself. Without a meaningful relationship with God, there is a deep sense of spiritual emptiness of the soul.  When God created mankind, he did so with the capacity to communicate with him and be connected to Him in Spirit, this is where we all all fall short, we may claim to be in relationship with God and be filled with him and have him at the center of our lives, but do we seek him and feel connected with him, I have not been keen on my relationship with God, I have taken it for granted and this has affected my fibre, who I am at the very core.

While covers come and go my personal desire is to keep God as the fibre and live a God filled life. I hope yours is too.






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Marriage Mediation is a conflict resolution process for couples who are experiencing destructive conflicts but are committed to remaining married.