Way before I met Joe a.k.a my single days,  I had some dangerous prospects (meaning there were very wrong for me), however I had the privilege of belonging to a community in my church, and one day a very wise lady emailed me. In a nutshell her email said stop wasting your time, these men are not the ones for you! You deserve so much more. Hard truths to swallow. Then she attached this prayer, which I went ahead to print and stick on my bedroom wall. I said the prayer everyday (who am I kidding most days!), sometimes out of duty, sometimes out of faith, but my prayer was answered all the same.

If you are single and longing for a husband (because it’s not selfish to long for one) go ahead and print this prayer and stick it on your wall. God works in mysterious ways. If you are single and loving it! You go girl!


 Beautiful Prayer


Lord God your word declares that if I delight myself in you- if I enjoy and seek your pleasure above mine- you will give me the desires of y heart (Psalms 37:4).


Desiring a husband is neither evil nor selfish because marriage is honorable (Hebrews 13; 4). At the beginning of creation, you proclaimed, “it is not good that man should be alone ad then you created Eve to be a suitable partner for Adam (Genesis 2:18). In the name of Jesus, I ask that you would protect me the husband- a suitable partner-you have chosen for me.


Because the covenant of marriage is sacred. (Mark 10:9) I ask for a man of God. Please give me a husband whose love for me is only out marched by his love for you; a man who will cherish me and build me up (Proverbs 31:28), a man who will honor me (1 Peter 3:7) and our marriage vows, a man who will be a good father and provider, a man whom I will be attracted to physically, emotionally and spiritually, a man who will love me as Christ loved his church (Ephesians 56:25).


Keep me from attaching myself to another man out of desperation. I will not settle for a relationship that’s second best, convenient or one that feeds my insecurities. Guard my purity and give me the patience to wait. And when I meet him, confirm to me that he is the one. Release from me the baggage of past relationships, ad prepare me for the man you have chosen for me. Free me form any hindrances to a healthy and, godly marriage: insecurities, habitual sins, selfishness and emotional hurts .



Dispel my unrealistic expectations that set me up for disappointment. I place my trust in you rather than in my partner. In this period of waiting I will look to you alone to be my companion and best friend. You are the one who redeems my life from the pit, who crowns me with the love and compassion, who satisfies my desires with good things. (Psalms 103:4-5) I will not be anxious, but as I present my requests to you, flood me with the peace that surpasses all understanding, so my heart and my mind are guarded in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6, 7).


In this request I commit myself to trust you and do good to dwell in the land and feed on your faithfulness. I commit my way to you and trust that you will bring it to pass (psalm 37:35) Amen


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Marriage Mediation is a conflict resolution process for couples who are experiencing destructive conflicts but are committed to remaining married.